TAL FINAL DEADLINE NOTICE: ROSEN, TOP RANKED GLOBAL COUNSEL, Encourages TAL Education Group Investors with Losses in Excess of $100K to Secure Counsel Before Important April 5 Deadline in Securities Class Action – TAL

NEW YORK, March 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of TAL Education Group (NYSE: TAL) between April 26, 2018 and July 22, 2021, inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important April 5, 2022 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased TAL Education securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the TAL Education class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=3137 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than April 5, 2022. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually handle securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) TAL Education’s revenue and operational growth was the result of deceptive marketing tactics and illicit business practices that flouted Chinese laws, regulations, and policies, and exposed TAL Education to an extreme risk that more draconian measures would be imposed on TAL Education; (2) TAL Education had engaged in misleading and fraudulent advertising practices, including the provision of false and misleading discount information designed to obfuscate the true cost of TAL Education’s programs to its customers, the creation of fake customer reviews designed to fraudulently lure new customers to TAL Education programs, the misrepresentation of teacher qualifications and course qualities, and the marketing of rigged promotional events; (3) TAL Education had defied Chinese policies designed to alleviate the burden imposed by tutoring services on students and their families, including by imposing hefty advances and recurring debt payments on course enrollees, by offering courses designed to give affluent students unfair advantages, by holding courses outside of allowable tutoring hours, and by linking for-profit courses to government-mandated schooling; (4) as a result, TAL Education was subject to an extreme undisclosed risk of adverse enforcement actions, regulatory fines, and penalties, and the imposition of new rules and regulations adverse to TAL Education’s business and financial interests; and (5) consequently, TAL Education’s historical growth was not sustainable or the result of legitimate business tactics as represented, and defendants’ positive statements about TAL Education’s business, operations, and prospects were materially false and misleading and lacked a reasonable factual basis. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the TAL Education class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=3137 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Contact Information:

Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827

Hisense Drives Technology Industry to a New High, Jointly Releases Latest Industry Key Figures with GfK and Ipsos

QINGDAO, China, March 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On March 29, Hisense unveiled the latest report jointly announced with GfK and Ipsos at the Hisense 2021 Branding Key Figures Press Conference. The key figures showed that global consumer demand for home appliances hit a record high in 2021 under the influence of the epidemic, which led to a 13% YoY growth in the home appliance market, while Hisense’s home appliance sales grew by more than 30%. In addition, Hisense’s brand awareness ranked among the top in several categories worldwide and strongly demonstrated the global technology industry’s competitive leadership position.

Norbert Herzog, Global Strategic Insights Head of GfK SE

Hisense Sales and Brand Awareness is Leading in Global Market 

According to GfK, in 2021, 16% of consumers upgraded their home appliances, which led global home appliances sales to increase by 13% and TVs sales up 6%, reaching record high growth rates. Meanwhile, Hisense’s market growth outside PRC exceeds 30%, with 8% market share in the TV industry. Moreover, Norbert Herzog, Global Strategic Insights Head of GfK SE, believes premiumization has become a market consumption trend.

In recent years, Hisense has continued to focus on premium industries and globalization strategies, successfully provided qualified products and excellent services to global consumers, led Hisense to achieve greater success in sales and brand awareness.

According to Ipsos research data for 2019-2021, Hisense brand equity has grown 54% in three years, and Hisense’s brand awareness in 2B businesses such as intelligent city, transportation, and healthcare ranked among the top in the industry. This means that Hisense’s global brand awareness has gained tremendous growth while effectively leading to increased sales. In 2021, Hisense TV sales in the United States, Mexico, and major Western European markets such as the UK, France, and Germany grew by more than 30% YoY, and Hisense Laser TV sales in overseas markets outside of PRC grew by 279% YoY.

Hisense Key Figures

Globalization and Develop Premium Technology to Achieve Brand Success

Hisense VP of International Marketing Jerry Liu said: “Hisense’s dedication towards technology has never changed over the years; we are constantly insisting on R&D to create premium products for global consumers.” Through continuous efforts in branding and premium products, Hisense expects its flagship product ULED TV will achieve premium sales growth of more than 40% YoY; Laser TV will grow doubled.

In terms of business layout, Hisense will establish nearly 100 premium flagship stores globally; more R&D centers will be built in the United States and Japan, increasing investment in overall development to achieve better production, distribution and sales layout

Hisense VP of International Marketing Jerry Liu

In the future, Hisense will continuously pursue R&D in technology to deliver a premium product and high-end lifestyle to consumers, and become a trustworthy technology brand worldwide.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1775652/1.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1775653/2.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1775654/3.jpg

‫مدربون من منصة DubaiPT يناقشون تأثير النباتية في اللياقة البدنية

DubaiPT المعروف كمنصة سهلة الاستخدام لمدربي اللياقة البدنية في دبي، يكسر الحواجز من خلال جعل خطط الوجبات النباتية أكثر سهولة

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 29 مارس، 2022 / PRNewswire / — باعتبارها منصة شاملة لربط بعض أفضل المدربين الشخصيين في دبي بعملائهم،  فإن DubaiPT.com في  مهمة لجعل التغذية النباتية أكثر سهولة مع تلبية وتجاوز أعلى معايير اللياقة البدنية في هذه الصناعة. يقدم DubaiPT هذا الربيع خطط وجبات نباتية مصممة خصيصا لتلبية احتياجات العملاء، ومصممة خصيصا للسماح لهم بحصاد جميع فوائد روتين التمرين المنتظم.

خطط الوجبات النباتية تحسن صحتك وتزيد من نتائج تدريب اللياقة البدنية

أظهرت الأبحاث أن اتباع نظام غذائي نباتي مفيد لصحتك وفي النهاية نتائجك في صالة الألعاب الرياضية. يعلن مدربو اللياقة البدنية ذوو الخبرة من DubaiPT أنه يساعد على وقت تعافيك بعد الإصابة، أو حتى مع آلام العضلات بعد التمرين. يوصي مدربو خطط الوجبات الشهرية من DubaiPT ( dubaipt.com/meal-plans/ ) أن تحتوي على مستوى عال من مضادات الأكسدة، مما يساعد على تقليل الالتهاب في الجسم بشكل فعال.

 المزيد والمزيد من الرياضيين ومدربي اللياقة البدنية في دبي يؤيدون النظام النباتي

تحدث العديد من الرياضيين المحترفين وشبه المحترفين بصراحة عن الفوائد التي حققها التخلص من اللحوم ومنتجات الألبان على أدائهم وحياتهم. على سبيل المثال، ذكرت بطلة التنس فينوس ويليامز ل Insider أن اتباع نظام غذائي نباتي حسن أدائها الرياضي وساعدها على التعامل بشكل أفضل مع مرض المناعة الذاتية الذي يؤثر على مفاصلها.

DubaiPT يساعدك على التوفيق بين التغذية والتدريبات الشخصية الخاصة بك

التخلي عن اللحوم يعني أيضا ملء نظامك الغذائي بمجموعة من الخضروات الملونة والحبوب الكاملة والدهون النباتية الصحية. عندما تمارس الرياضة، تكون عضلاتك متعطشة للوقود طوال اليوم، لذا فإن هذه الأطعمة الغنية بالمغذيات تساعدها على التجدد بسرعة أكبر. يوفر المدربون الشخصيون في DubaiPT للعملاء خطط وجبات لفقدان الوزن بشكل أسرع وأسهل بالإضافة إلى زيادة العضلات. تحسين صحتك العامة هو مجرد مكافأة إضافية!

تعرف على المزيد حول خطط الوجبات التي تقدمها منصة DubaiPT

يمكن لكل من المدربين الشخصيين والعملاء تلبية توقعاتهم باستخدام منصة DubaiPT ، المصممة لربطهم. بصرف النظر عن خطط الوجبات النباتية، يمكن لبعض مدربي اللياقة البدنية الأكثر شهرة في دبي تزويد كل عميل بنظام غذائي فردي يتوافق مع متطلباتهم وروتين التمرين. يقع DubaiPT في أبراج أرمادا، الطابق 19، دبي، ويمكنك الوصول إليها على هذا الرقم: +971 55 655 4507 .


Forget “New Normal” and “Next Normal”: Success in Event Management Industry Means Embracing the NEW NOW™

GES Launches Spiro

Expanding Virtual, Hybrid & Traditional Special Event Services of  Leading Global Event Management Company

LAS VEGAS, March 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — There’s a lot of focus on “the way things used to be” and “getting back to pre-2019,” but neither conversation addresses the current state of events and experiences. Rather than reflecting on a world that was, or trying to predict what the future holds, GES, one of the world’s leading live event companies is taking a major step toward embracing change, identifying new growth opportunities, and, ultimately, redefining what it means to “come together.”

GES logo

GES, a leading global provider of exhibition services and live event venue services introduces its newest venture Spiro™, the brand experience agency for the NEW NOW™. Spiro strengthens GES’ abilities to manage traditional events and will offer a new set of capabilities that deliver heightened experience dividends for the ways events have now evolved.

“The launch of Spiro comes at a very opportune time for our industry and clients,” said Spiro’s Global President, Jeff Stelmach. “The past two years have reinforced the critical value of events and experiences in connecting people. Now, some people might meet up in one place while others are joining online. Some interactions take place entirely online. It’s not about meeting people with similar interests in a single location – it’s about people with similar interests meeting up in the mediums where they are. We see this not as a hurdle, but rather, as an opportunity to draw even bigger audiences and attract attendees who might never have been able to ‘attend’ live events before.”

Skilled in analytic, strategic event management, creative design and production, Spiro sees in-person, virtual and hybrid events alike as opportunities for immersive, interactive storytelling and brand loyalty-building.

“There have never been so many ways for businesses to thoughtfully engage with their key audiences – and gain access to new ones,” said Spiro’s Chief Marketing Officer, Carley Faircloth. “One of Spiro’s key offerings is creating Communities of Practice – a design approach that positions events as catalysts for ongoing community. Through this proprietary approach, experiences are elevated beyond the transactional, to pay dividends to the experience deficit global audiences now face.”

While Spiro expands capabilities for in-person as well as virtual, hybrid and integrated experiences, GES will continue as a leader in to providing its full spectrum of traditional exhibition services and tradeshows. For more about GES, visit GES.com. For more about Spiro, visit www.ThisIsSpiro.com.

About GES

GES, a Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) company with a legacy spanning more than 90 years, is a global live events company providing exhibition services, brand experiences, and live event venue services throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. GES offers the right blend of experience, fresh ideas, and deep industry knowledge. The company’s award-winning services combined with accommodations, event technology, and innovative tools help you optimize your events – making all aspects of planning and execution simple and worry-free. GES’ passionate team of highly skilled experts works side-by-side with you to deliver impactful, creative, and data-driven solutions to capture the full value of your shows. GES partners with leading brands and shows and has been recognized with many prestigious industry awards. For more information, visit www.ges.com.

Spiro, Part Of The GES Collective

About Spiro

Spiro, part of the GES collective and Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI), is a world-class brand experience agency that brings clients’ visions to life by redefining human connections with innovation and immersive storytelling for live, virtual, and hybrid experiences – all with global scale. Spiro serves some of the world’s most valuable brands with a broad range of services, including brand and platform strategy & planning, content creation, exhibit & portfolio management, corporate meetings, conferences & events, product launches, sponsorship activations, and more. For more information on Spiro, part of the GES collective, visit www.ThisIsSpiro.com.

Media Contact:
Jenn Joseph, The Encore Agency
602-329-8040 Jenn@TheEncoreAgency.com 

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Web3 Innovator droppLabs Announces Partnership with UC Berkeley’s Tech Club, Launchpad

NEW YORK, March 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — droppLabs, the innovative operating system for Web3, today announced a partnership with UC Berkeley’s Launchpad to develop innovative Web3 technology and solutions that will be incorporated into droppLabs product offerings.

droppLabs commences innovation partnership with UC Berkeley

droppLabs has dedicated its substantial resources and networks to create experiential learning and entrepreneurial skill-building for Launchpad students. The Launchpad team’s core competencies in machine learning and artificial intelligence complement droppLabs’ established and innovative ML/AI tech stack.

Launchpad is an organization at UC Berkeley that tackles problems in machine learning and shares their knowledge to the community through events and workshops. Every semester, Launchpad works with select clients to solve real-world machine learning challenges with industry professionals. UC Berkeley has a long tradition of cultivating top technical talent including Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple.

Through various research endeavors, the partnership will harness collective knowledge and skills to further amplify droppLab’s machine learning offerings and challenge the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

“We are thrilled to be working with such a talented group and prestigious institution. We are excited to tap into the minds of the Launchpad collective. These young engineers and scientists have tremendous problem solving skills. Together we will utilize cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate unique value for droppLabs and Launchpad’s students,” said Joe Sticca, dropp’s Chief Product Officer.

“At Launchpad, we strive to build creative, intelligent solutions. We are incredibly excited for this opportunity to work with droppLabs to deliver great impact to the wider community. droppLabs is pioneering a new space in the Web3 world and we are thrilled to be part of the journey,” said Lucy Liu, Launchpad’s President.

About droppLabs

droppLabs is a holistic Web3 solutions provider and platform. The dropp360º operating system applies a unique “Dream, Develop, Deploy” approach that transforms all aspects of an organization to win in the Web3 world.

droppLabs is led by an elite team of uniquely qualified creative, technical, and business executives. It has developed multiple proprietary patented innovations in AI/ML object recognition, streaming, AR, MR, VR and crypto.

droppLabs is a wholly owned subsidiary of droppTV Inc. which also owns and operates the droppTV platform – the industry-leading operating system for “shopatainment,” that brings together video streaming, mixed reality and experiential commerce.

droppTV harnesses droppLabs’ ground-breaking, proprietary technology to connect consumers, creators and brands through an interoperable ecosystem allowing for streamlined experiential commerce between the physical and digital worlds.

droppTV’s frictionless user journey delivers a tremendous monetization model for creators and publishers. It also enables brands to achieve enhanced affinity, increased conversions and granular attribution for data. In addition, droppTV offers unique comprehensive experiential NFT and social token capabilities, empowering partners and consumers to generate even greater value in Web3.

For further information, please visit dropplabs.io and aboutdropp.com

About Launchpad

Launchpad is a technology club at UC Berkeley that fosters a community of passionate engineers to tackle real-world problems using machine learning and artificial intelligence. We grow by collaborating on both student-led and client projects and strive to share our knowledge in ML/AI to the community through events and workshops.

For further information, please visit launchpad.berkeley.edu

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1775696/droppLabs.jpg

تبدأ السياحة الطبية للعلاج في مستشفيات مانيبال

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 29 مارس 2022 / PRNewswire / — واجه قطاع الرعاية الصحية تحديات كبيرة ناتجة عن جائحة فيروس كورونا. أعاق الفيروس علاج المرضى الذين يحتاجون إلى السفر إلى الهند للحصول على علاجات وإجراءات أفضل. وقد بدأ الوضع في العودة إلى طبيعته تدريجيًا، وصارت القيود المفروضة على السفر إلى الخارج في الهند أسهل.

في وقت سابق، بسبب الوباء، عانت السياحة الطبية من نكسات كبيرة واضطر المرضى إلى تأجيل عملياتهم الجراحية والعلاجات الأخرى بسبب قيود السفر. وقد أثر ذلك على حياة الكثيرين وزاد من سوء أحوال المرضى، مما زاد من مخاطر الاعتلال والوفاة المرتبطة بالأوضاع الصحية التي يمكن علاجها والوقاية منها. ساهم التأخير أيضًا في الإبلاغ عن الوفيات الزائدة المرتبطة بشكل غير مباشر بـ COVID -19 . وقد بدأت مستشفيات كثيرة، بعد تسهيل السفر، في توسيع نطاق خدماتها لتشمل المرضى الدوليين الذين يرغبون في التماس العلاج في الهند لظروفهم الطبية.

 تحث مستشفى مانيبال المرضى على عدم تأخير علاجاتهم وعملياتهم الجراحية أكثر من ذلك. تقدم المستشفى خدمات الرعاية الصحية للمرضى الدوليين مع الالتزام بمعايير السلامة الصارمة، وذلك بفضل المعدات المتميزة والتكنولوجيا ذات المستوى العالمي وفريق من الأطباء ذوي الخبرة. وفي الوقت نفسه، يقدم مركز مانيبال لرعاية المرضى في الخارج خدمات كبيرة لمرضاه الدوليين، مثل التأشيرات والنقل والتأمين والعديد من الخدمات الأخرى. على الرغم من الوباء، تعاملت المستشفى بنجاح مع حالات المرضى الحرجين الذين احتاجوا إلى زرع الكلى والكبد والقلب. مع فتح الحدود الدولية، أصبح بإمكان المستشفى الآن استخدام خدمات الإسعاف الجوي للمرضى في مختلف البلدان.

وقال السيد كارثيك راجاجوبال، مدير العمليات في مستشفى مانيبال ، “لطالما آمنت مستشفيات مانيبال بجعل الرعاية الصحية في متناول الجميع. اضطر العديد من المرضى إلى تأجيل علاجاتهم بسبب الوباء، ولكن الآن بعد السيطرة على حالات فيروس كورونا في الهند وفتح المعابر الدولية، يسعدنا تقديم خدماتنا لمرضانا في الخارج. من الضروري الآن إدراك أن تأخير كل من الرعاية الطبية الطارئة والروتينية سيزيد من خطر تفاقم الأمراض الكامنة وقد يؤدي إلى الوفاة. مع فتح الحدود الدولية، يمكننا الآن الاستمرار في مساعدة المرضى في الخارج الذين تم تأجيل إجراءاتهم بسبب الوباء وقيود السفر. لا شيء يجلب لنا السعادة في مستشفيات مانيبال أكثر من منح مرضانا عقد إيجار جديد للحياة، ونحن نشجع مرضانا على عدم تأخير علاجهم أو عملياتهم الجراحية. ونحن الآن على استعداد للحفاظ على نفس المستوى من الثقة والتميز السريري بين المرضى الدوليين، وذلك بفضل فريقنا الرائع من الأطباء “.

يبدو أن صناعة السياحة الطبية تتحسن مع انحسار الوباء وتحسن الوضع، ويأتي المرضى للحصول على العلاجات الذين اضطروا إلى تأجيلها بسبب الوباء. ويتزايد سفر المرضى المصابين بأمراض مزمنة والمحتاجين إلى عمليات زرع الأعضاء إلى بلدان أخرى للعلاج. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يُرجى ملء نموذج Google بوابة المرضى في مستشفى مانيبال ( google.com )

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