Ms. Opal Lee, The Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, and Grandmother of Juneteenth, Signed with Creative Artists Agency

Fort Worth, TX, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Unity Unlimited, Inc.’s very own ‘Grandmother of Juneteenth’  Ms. Opal Lee, has signed with Creative Artists Agency (CAA), the world’s leading entertainment and sports agency, to obtain talent representation as she campaigns for unity and freedom around the globe.

Ms. Opal began her mission in 2016 with a goal set forth to walk 1,400 miles from Fort Worth, Texas, to the steps of Congress in Washington D.C, intending to establish Juneteenth as a nationally recognized holiday. Through a strategic partnership with global brand storytelling agency [INVNT GROUP]™, and support from CAA and the CAA Foundation, Opal’s Walk 2 DC mobilized into a viral movement across the nation. On June 21, 2021, with Ms. Opal at his side, President Joe Biden signed the bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday in the United States – the first since 1983, when Martin Luther King Day was established.

Ms. Opal is deeply honored to join CAA’s network and roster of world-class entertainers and changemakers, granting her movement the opportunity to connect with generations of people to share the story of Juneteenth for legacies to come.

The signing comes days after releasing a special edition of Ms. Opal’s children’s book:  Juneteenth A Children’s Story Special Edition. The book explains the significance and origin of Juneteenth to promote the open education of young children, their parents, and teachers worldwide.

Dione Sims, Founder of Unity Unlimited, Inc., explained, “Establishing the federal holiday has created a vacuum for accurate information about Juneteenth, and we are honored that CAA is putting their resources to work to provide Ms. Opal the opportunities to educate the world about Juneteenth and the freedoms that were gained.”

For more information, please visit


Ms. Opal is the oldest living board member of the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation (NJOF), founded and led by the late Dr. Ronald Myers, Sr., whose initiative is for Juneteenth to become a national holiday. To bring awareness to the cause, she started her Opal’s Walk 2 DC  campaign in 2016, where she walked 2.5 miles to symbolize the 2.5 years that it took for enslaved people in  Texas to know that they were free. Ms. Opal launched a petition to make Juneteenth a national holiday on In September 2020, it delivered the 1.5 million signatures it had received to  Congress. Ms. Opal believes freedom should be celebrated from the 19th of June to the 4th of July.  For more information, visit


CAA is a leading entertainment, media, and sports enterprise, with global expertise in motion pictures, television, music, sports, theater, digital media, publishing, endorsements, media finance, consumer investing, fashion, podcasting, speaking, games, and philanthropy. Led by a world-class management team and distinguished by its culture of collaboration and exceptional client service, CAA’s diverse workforce identifies and innovates opportunities for the people and organizations that shape culture and inspire the world. For more information, visit


Unity Unlimited, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose main mission is to provide educational activities and resources to the young and old, fostering unity and harmony within the community, the city,  the state, the nation, and the world regardless of race and culture, or denomination. For more information, visit:


[INVNT GROUP] was established in 2020, as an evolution of the founding global live brand storytelling agency INVNT in 2008, with a vision to provide consistent, meaningful, well-articulated BrandStory across all platforms. With offices in New York, Sydney, London, Singapore, San Francisco, Stockholm, Detroit, and Washington D.C.; headed by President and CEO, Scott Cullather, [INVNT GROUP], THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT™ represents a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward-thinking organizations everywhere, impact the audiences that matter, anywhere. The GROUP consists of modern brand strategy firm Folk Hero; creative-led culture consultancy, Meaning; production studio & creative agency, HEVĒ; events for colleges and universities, INVNT Higher Ed, and the original live brand storytelling agency, INVNT. For more information, visit

Daria Hookfin
Hooked On Ent

Dione Sims
Unity Unlimited


EMGA advises on US$200M debt raise for BTG Pactual with JICA

LONDON, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), the niche investment bank focused on emerging markets, announces today another landmark Senior Debt capital raise transaction that will allow BTG Pactual to continue the expansion of its small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) lending activities in Brazil.

The US$200 million debt facility was provided by JICA and the transaction follows on from two previous DFI financed facilities of US$140 million and US$300 million respectively that EMGA has had also advised on.

A JICA spokesman said, “Thanks to EMGA’s support, we will partner Banco BTG Pactual S.A. addressing the funding gap for MSMEs in Brazil. BTG Pactual is among the first to introduce digital platforms offering financial solutions to businesses throughout the whole nation. With its digital platforms readily available to support the lending operation, Banco BTG Pactual S.A. can efficiently extend credits to the Northeast and Northern Regions, where only a limited number of financial institutions are actively operating to serve businesses at this time.”

Sajeev Chakkalakal, Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking at EMGA, said: “It was a real pleasure to help BTG’s team again by advising on this additional facility aimed at funding BTG’s small and medium enterprise loan portfolio across Brazil. JICA is an important partner of EMGA and its position as a pre-eminent development finance institution also offers another new strategic long term funding source for BTG.”

Jeremy Dobson, Managing Director, and Head of Business Development at EMGA, added: “Our team is delighted to have acted as advisor again to BTG and look forward to their continued success.”

BTG Pactual: BTG is the largest investment bank in Latin America, the 6th largest bank in Brazil by shareholders equity and a key player in providing loans and guarantees to a broad set of clients, from SMEs to large corporations. BTG is a pioneer in promoting climate finance in Brazil and plays a pivotal role in channeling resources towards projects with a positive impact in the community.

JICA: The Japan International Cooperation Agency is a governmental agency that delivers the bulk of Official Development Assistance for the government of Japan. It is chartered with assisting economic and social growth in developing countries, and the promotion of international cooperation.

Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), with offices in London and New York, helps financial institutions and corporates seeking new debt or equity capital. EMGA’s multi-national team combine the decades of experience necessary to complete transactions on behalf of their clients within the world’s emerging markets and frontier economies, including Brazil which remains a key market. With a proven track record in capital formation and strategic advisory throughout diverse economic cycles, EMGA continues expanding its geographic reach and service offering, solidifying its place in the market as one of the industries pre-eminent emerging markets focused niche investment banks.


‫الاتحاد الأوروبي يدعو لتوسيع مشاركة المرأة في السياسة والعلوم والتكنولوجيا والثقافة

مسؤولون أوروبيون وخليجيون يناقشون السياسات الإجرائية لسد الفجوة بين الجنسين ضمن فعاليات إكسبو 2020 دبي

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 10 مارس / آذار 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

بمناسبة يوم المرأة العالمي

بمشاركة وزراء ومسؤولين أوروبيين وخليجيين، استضاف الاتحاد الأوروبي سلسلة من الجلسات النقاشية رفيعة المستوى حول السياسات الإجرائية لتمكين مشاركة أوسع للمرأة في المجالات السياسية والفروع الحكومية، ومهن العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات (STEM)، بالإضافة إلى القطاعات الإبداعية، وذلك بالشراكة مع الجناحين الفرنسي والإيطالي في إكسبو 2020 دبي

H.E. Ohood Al Roumi speaking at the Event held at the Italian Pavilion, EXPO2020 Dubai

وتأتي هذه الجلسات لتعبّر عن التزام الاتحاد الأوروبي بمبادئ التضمين والمساواة، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على تمكين المرأة، وهو موضوع دأب الاتحاد الأوروبي على الترويج له باستمرار في جميع أنشطته الخاصة بإكسبو 2020 دبي.

وعُقدت الجلسات تحت شعار “توسيع المجموعة: تسخير مواهب وقدرات النساء للثورة الصناعية الرابعة”، بهدف لتبادل أفضل الممارسات والسياسات والتشجيع على اتخاذ الإجراءات المطلوبة لسد الفجوة بين الجنسين وتمكين النساء والفتيات من المساهمة بشكل أوسع في مرحلة الانتعاش والتعافي الاقتصادي بعد الجائحة.

وقال سعادة أندريا ماتيو فونتانا، سفير الاتحاد الأوروبي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة والمفوض العام للاتحاد الأوروبي في إكسبو 2020 دبي: “لا يمكننا معالجة قضية المساواة بين الجنسين بمعزل عن غيرها من القضايا العالمية. إذا أردنا تحقيق تقدّم هادف لتقليص الفجوة بين الجنسين، فيجب علينا إدماج وتعميم المنظور الجنساني في السياسات الإجرائية والخطط كافة من أجل تعزيز ثقافة المساواة ومعالجة التمييز القائم على الجنس في جميع مناحي الحياة”.

وفي كلمتها الافتتاحية، أكدت معالي عهود بنت خلفان الرومي وزيرة دولة للتطوير الحكومي والمستقبل، أهمية التعاون الدولي لتعزيز دور المرأة في قيادة العمل الحكومي، ومحورية دور القيادات الحكومية النسائية في تحفيز وإلهام الجيل الجديد من الفتيات والنساء للمشاركة الفاعلة في الارتقاء بالعمل الحكومي.

H.E. Andrea Matteo Fontana, EU Ambassador to the UAE and EU Commissioner General for Expo 2020 Dubai (center), with Speakers at the event held at the French Pavilion, EXPO2020 Dubai.وقالت معالي عهود الرومي إن يوم المرأة العالمي يمثل مناسبة للاحتفاء بالدور المحوري للمرأة وإنجازاتها، وفرصة للتفكير في ما تم تحقيقه من إنجازات، والخطط المستقبلية لتعزيز ريادتها.

وأضافت أن على القيادات النسائية في القطاع الحكومي مسؤولية كبيرة، ودورا مهما، في إلهام وتحفيز الجيل الجديد لقيادات العمل الحكومي النسائية المؤثرة والفاعلة، ودعم الكفاءات النسائية الشابة وبناء قدراتهن والاستثمار في مواهبهن وإمكاناتهن ليسهمن في تطوير الحكومات.

وقالت عهود الرومي إن القمة العالمية للحكومات التي ستنظم أواخر الشهر الحالي، تمثل منصة داعمة لتمكين المرأة وتعزيز دورها في الحكومة، حيث ستنظم في دورتها الثامنة منتدى المرأة في الحكومة الذي سيشكل حوارا دولياً شاملا لبحث سبل تعزيز جهود تمكين المرأة في مجالات القيادة الحكومية .

وفي كلمته الختامية قال سعادة إكزافييه شاتيل، سفير فرنسا لدى دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة: “تضع فرنسا مسألة المساواة بين الجنسين كأولوية لها، ونحن نروج لها بقوة في جميع المحافل الدولية.” وأضاف سعادته: “تتأثر النساء والفتيات أكثر من الرجال بالفقر والصراعات – أو حتى تغيّر المناخ. ولهذه الأسباب فقد جعلت فرنسا التزامها في أن تضمن بحلول عام 2025 بأن تكون 75٪ من مشاريعها التي تمولها وكالات المعونة العامة الفرنسية تسهم في تعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين. يجب أن نواصل معاً جهودنا لتحقيق المساواة بين الجنسين”.

 وفي حديثه عن مشاركة المرأة في المؤسسات والثقافة، قال سعادة باولو جليسينتي، المفوض العام لإيطاليا في إكسبو 2020 دبي: “اعتزمت إيطاليا في إكسبو 2020 دبي المساهمة في سد الفجوة بين الجنسين من خلال تعزيز نهج عالمي نشط لصنع السياسات مستوحى من أهمية المرأة في مجالات العدالة، والدبلوماسية، والعلوم، والثقافة لجعل الاستدامة والمرونة هدفاً ممكناً. وأظهر هذا المعرض كيف أن قيادة المرأة ورؤيتها وتمكينها هي أمور أساسية لمستقبل من النمو والسلام والابتكار “.

وشارك في الجلسات النقاشية كل من معالي عهود بنت خلفان الرومي وزيرة دولة للتطوير الحكومي والمستقبل في الإمارات، وسعادة إليزابيث مورينو، الوزيرة الفرنسية المسؤولة عن المساواة بين الجنسين والتنوع وتكافؤ الفرص، وسعادة مارتا كارتابيا، وزيرة العدل الإيطالية، وسعادة إلينا بونيتي، الوزيرة الإيطالية للأسرة وتكافؤ الفرص، وسعادة الشيخة هلا بنت محمد آل خليفة، مدير عام الثقافة والفنون بهيئة البحرين للثقافة والآثار.

بالإضافة إلى الحلقات النقاشية، عقد الاتحاد الأوروبي في جناح المرأة بالتعاون مع كارتييه في إكسبو 2020 جلسة حول المرأة والمناخ، داعياً إلى حلول مراعية للمنظور الجنساني في مكافحة التغيّر المناخي. كما أعرب العديد من كبار المسؤولين في الاتحاد الأوروبي عن دعمهم لتعهد “كسر التحيُّز” (Break the Bias) من بينهم ثلاثة من نواب رئيس المفوضية الأوروبية ساهموا في مبادرة “رسالة إلى جيل المستقبل – Letter to the Future Generation“. كما سيشارك الاتحاد الأوروبي في “قمة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة لأهداف التنمية المستدامة 5” والتي تم انعقادها يوم 9 مارس.

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CS Global Partners: Dominica Expands its Worldwide Diplomatic Ties

LONDON, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Commonwealth of Dominica continues to strengthen its international ties, as reflected by the country’s recent signing of an agreement with Syria establishing mutual diplomatic relations.

The signing ceremony took place on 07 March 2022 at the headquarters of the permanent delegation of Syria to the United Nations in New York City, United States.

The diplomatic commitment between the two countries was formalised by their respective Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, namely: Loreen Bannis-Roberts (Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of Dominica to the United Nations) and Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh (Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations).

According to Ambassador Sabbagh of Syria, the Commonwealth of Dominica and Syria share the desire of continuing to pursue multifaceted bilateral communication with each other, with the official signing of the agreement establishing diplomatic relations as a prelude towards this goal.

Additionally, cooperation and coordination on multiple areas of focus as well as increased mutual support on international forums are also representative cases of joint actions that are prospected to further grow in future outlooks.

Similarly, Ambassador Roberts of the Commonwealth of Dominica spoke very positively of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two nations, by expressing the keenness of the Commonwealth of Dominica on discovering and developing all possible opportunities for bilateral cooperation across a varied range of realms.

Notably, the agreement signed by Dominica and Syria provides an example of the intention of both countries in adhering to the Charter of the United Nations and the universal principles that it stipulates in regard to friendly relations between Member States, in addition to their willingness in exchanging experience for mutual benefit and complying to the high standards presented by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations for the maintenance of bilateral partnerships.

Formalising diplomatic relations between the Commonwealth of Dominica and Syria represents another step for the so-called ‘Nature Isle’ of the Caribbean towards the expansion of its bilateral relations across the globe, by bolstering the popularity of the island on a global sphere and enabling the nation to have strong travel prospects in several regions around the world.

Syria is, in fact, one of the several locations in the list of Middle Eastern countries with which Dominica has improved diplomatic ties and travelling arrangements over time, which recently included Kuwait in 2021 and the United Arab Emirates since early 2020. This significantly makes the Commonwealth of Dominica also favourably placed to develop global businesses and create strong ties with international communities.

The Commonwealth of Dominica gained political independence from Britain and gained membership in the United Nationals in 1978. The country has therefore, almost half a century of experience as a player in the global arena, building the foundations for further national development.

As a Small Island Developing State, Dominica is also readily prepared for potential social and economic vulnerabilities that may affect it and its neighbouring countries through the consistent revenue that it channels to finance the projects funded by the country’s Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme.

Initiatives subsidised by the direct foreign investment transferred through Dominica’s CBI Programme, in fact, contribute to the island’s education and tourism sector, healthcare infrastructure, as well as the creation of environmentally friendly resorts and villas and hurricane-resistant homes for Dominican families.

Citizenship by Investment programmes offer the opportunity to legally acquire citizenship of a country in return of a contribution to a government fund of that country or investment in one of its pre-approved real estate projects. CBI programmes ultimately provide a unique occasion for investors wishing to access increased business opportunities as well as for countries that may benefit from foreign direct investment to assure wider economic growth to its citizens.

Established in 1993, the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Programme is one of the longest standing in the citizenship by investment industry, welcoming foreign investors from across the globe to obtain citizenship of the nation from over 30 decades. Prospective applicants are, in fact, reassured by the reliability and validity of the Programme when applying to obtain citizenship of the country, as a process that many others have also chosen to undertake.

There are several additional attractive features of the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Programme.

As mentioned, the Commonwealth of Dominica enjoys worldwide diplomatic presence, and the global mobility the country grants to its citizens expands to around 150 countries and territories, including major global business hubs in Asia and Africa.

This permits businesspersons to enjoy enhanced financial geographical diversification where they become citizens of the island. The appeal and desirability of Dominica’s global mobility is, in fact, reflected in its citizens’ ability of greater freedom to travel for business and leisure, as well as an insurance policy enabling prompt access to medical or safety emergencies. In fact, while maximising financial outlooks through global mobility to global financial centres, second citizenship of Dominica also allows for enhanced personal security for oneself and one’s family against potential risk.

Significantly, citizens of Dominica can be considered as enjoying increased overall freedom and accessibility through the mobility that the country’s offers and the worldwide diplomatic ties it has established with nations.

The Dominica Citizenship by Investment Programme protects its international reputation and partner nations by ensuring a high standard of integrity during its robust due diligence process, a vital part of the Programme’s proper functioning.

The due diligence process of Dominica allows for citizenship to be granted to the applicants that successfully pass stringent vetting, multi-tiered external and internal screening and submit all the complete and correct documentation through an authorised agent. In fact, the nation has been ranked as the world’s first citizenship by investment offering for 5 consecutive years in the Financial Times’ Professional Wealth Management magazine, the CBI Index, earning high scores in the Due diligence category amongst others.

CS Global Partners is the world’s leading government advisory and marketing firm, specialising in residency and citizenship by investment solutions which developed the 2022 World Citizenship Report. The Word Citizenship Report identifies the demands and needs of global citizens and the corresponding progressive and innovative countries that address these. Global mobility in therein included as one of the five main motivators which skilled, talented, and wealthy individuals consider important to continue thriving.

Contact details: / +447824029952

BNY Mellon Announces Leadership Succession Plan Naming Robin Vince CEO-Elect

CEO Todd Gibbons to Retire This Year

Robin Vince, Vice Chair of BNY Mellon and CEO of Global Market Infrastructure, Named President and CEO-elect

NEW YORK, March 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (“BNY Mellon”) (NYSE: BK) announced today that Thomas P. (Todd) Gibbons has decided to retire as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors on August 31, 2022, after a distinguished 36-year career with the company. The Board of Directors has appointed Robin Vince to be his successor at that time. Mr. Vince will initially serve as President and CEO-elect, effective immediately, working closely with Mr. Gibbons to ensure a seamless and orderly transition of responsibilities.

Robin Vince, President and CEO-elect, BNY Mellon

Mr. Gibbons has held numerous leadership positions over his tenure, including as CEO since September 2019. He led BNY Mellon through the challenges and complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic – safeguarding clients’ assets, protecting employees, improving the resiliency of its operations, driving organic growth and efficiencies, and stewarding support for global markets and government programs. Moreover, Mr. Gibbons developed a strong and diverse leadership team while working together with the Board of Directors to develop and execute a leadership succession plan that resulted in the decision to name Mr. Vince as his successor.

Mr. Vince currently serves as Vice Chair of BNY Mellon and CEO of Global Market Infrastructure, which includes BNY Mellon’s Pershing, Treasury Services, and Clearance and Collateral Management lines of business as well as Markets & Execution Services. Prior to joining BNY Mellon, Mr. Vince spent 26 years with Goldman Sachs, most recently serving as Chief Risk Officer and member of the Management Committee and previously as Treasurer, Head of Operations, Head of Global Money Markets, Chief Operating Officer of the EMEA region and CEO of Goldman Sachs International Bank, among other roles.

Joseph J. Echevarria, Independent Chair of the Board of Directors, said: “Today’s announcement is the culmination of the Board and Todd’s well-planned, thorough and orderly succession process to ensure continuity of leadership and BNY Mellon’s continued success. As Todd retires after nearly four decades of service to the company and its shareholders, including his outstanding leadership through the global pandemic, we want to thank Todd for his many contributions. He has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our clients and his colleagues and was instrumental in building BNY Mellon into the institution it is today.”

Mr. Gibbons said: “It has been an honor working for BNY Mellon over the last 36 years, in part because I firmly believe in the company’s core mission and the value our services bring to clients and society. The pandemic highlighted our important role in the global financial ecosystem as well as our resilience, and we stand today as market leader across many of our businesses. As I prepare to retire, I cannot think of a better person than Robin to ensure the company capitalizes on the broad range of opportunities ahead as the industry continues to evolve. Robin has been a significant contributor to the company, our strategy and growth agenda. He is someone I deeply respect and trust, and I look forward to working side-by-side with him to support the transition over the coming months while continuing to drive organic growth.”

Mr. Echevarria continued: “Since he joined BNY Mellon in 2020, Robin has made significant contributions to the business, and demonstrated a rigorous approach to strategy, execution and serving clients. In addition to his BNY Mellon experience, Robin brings a global perspective and an exceptional understanding of capital markets, coupled with a strong commercial orientation and a wealth of experience from his various leadership roles over 26 years at Goldman Sachs. This, together with the trust and respect Todd has for him, gives us great confidence that Robin is the right person to steer BNY Mellon through its exciting next chapter of history. The Board will support Robin, Todd and the entire Executive Committee as they work closely together to ensure a seamless handover in the coming months.”

Mr. Vince commented: “BNY Mellon is an extraordinary institution with a rich history, leading market positions and an exceptional global client franchise. It is a privilege to be the company’s next CEO and I look forward to working in partnership with Todd and the Executive Committee to ensure a seamless transition. I am grateful for the support of my colleagues across the company as I take up my new role. BNY Mellon plays a critical role in the global financial system, and it is our spirit of innovation, deep client relationships and culture that differentiate the company. I look forward to leading this historic institution of nearly 50,000 employees, with a rigorous approach to driving further organic growth and creating value for all stakeholders.”

About BNY Mellon
BNY Mellon is a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle.  Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, BNY Mellon delivers informed investment and wealth management and investment services in 35 countries. As of Dec. 31, 2021, BNY Mellon had $46.7 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration, and $2.4 trillion in assets under management.  BNY Mellon can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, hold, manage, service, distribute or restructure investments.  BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE: BK).  Additional information is available on  Follow us on Twitter @BNYMellon or visit our newsroom at for the latest company news.


Garrett Marquis
+1 949 683 1503

Marius Merz
+1 212 298 1480

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Eagle Eye Networks Introduces Eagle Eye LPR, Making Highly Accurate License Plate Recognition Possible with any Security Camera

Eagle Eye LPR Makes License Plate Recognition Practical and Affordable

Global cloud video surveillance provider Eagle Eye Networks introduced Eagle Eye LPR (license plate recognition) that is easy to deploy and manage, and it does not require the purchase of special cameras.

The newest enhancement to the Eagle Eye Cloud VMS (video management system), Eagle Eye LPR/ANPR is AI-powered, cloud-managed, and does not require the purchase of special cameras

AUSTIN, Texas, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eagle Eye Networks, the global leader in cloud video surveillance, today launched Eagle Eye LPR (license plate recognition), which uses artificial intelligence (AI) in a true cloud-based system for high accuracy in all kinds of challenging conditions. Eagle Eye LPR operates on readily available security cameras making it affordable and practical for today’s business owners.

“We’re seeing increased demand for LPR/ANPR for security and business optimization. Eagle Eye LPR is designed to be easy to deploy and manage, and it does not require the purchase of special cameras,” said Dean Drako, CEO of Eagle Eye Networks. “Our industry-leading AI not only provides high accuracy, Eagle Eye cloud LPR is continuously improved to support new license plates and increase accuracy.”

Powered by Eagle Eye Networks industry-leading AI and analytics, Eagle Eye LPR works with the Eagle Eye Networks Vehicle Surveillance Package (VSP) to enable seamless monitoring of vehicles across multiple locations.

Eagle Eye Networks supports many manufacturers’ LPR products including cameras. Eagle Eye Networks operates an open system giving customers choice. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS will continue to support camera and other LPR technologies.

The benefits of Eagle Eye LPR include:

  • Camera Agnostic: Works securely with nearly any IP or other camera
  • Affordable: Does not require specialty cameras, onsite hardware or onsite maintenance
  • High Accuracy: Eagle Eye’s AI provides industry-leading accuracy even for non-standard license plates and in challenging lighting and environmental conditions
  • Flexibility: Open API for unlimited integrations with other technology partners
  • Scalability: Manage and add locations, cameras, features with the click of a button
  • Continuous Delivery: AI LPR is continually improved to support newer license plates, and all Eagle Eye development innovations are instantly delivered to customers via the cloud
  • Broad Geographic LPR/ANPR Support: North America, Mexico, EU, UK, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia

Target applications for Eagle Eye LPR include:

  • Smart Parking with LPR-based automation
  • Corporate Offices – Secure, smooth vehicle entry/exit
  • Healthcare and Education Campuses – Touchless access control
  • Home Owners Associations (HOAs) and Multi-Family Homes – Neighborhood safety
  • Critical Infrastructure, Industrial – Multi-site remote monitoring
  • Restaurants, Retail, Curbside Pickup – Improved customer experience
  • Hospitality, and more

Eagle Eye LPR offers resellers opportunities to enter new markets, to provide additional services, and to increase revenue.

“With Eagle Eye LPR, there’s no major hardware swap or installation, you can use existing cameras,” said Lon Bazelais, president of Grid Squared Systems, an Eagle Eye Networks certified security systems integrator based in New York City. “They have made it super easy for us and for our clients. Eagle Eye license plate recognition removes the hassle and expense of LPR systems. Now, Eagle Eye LPR will allow us to enter new vertical markets, notably parking facilities, which is a huge opportunity for us in New York City. We’re also excited to bring this advanced technology to our existing clients who want to add LPR to their current security systems.”

Brian West, President of ParkNGo in Dayton, Ohio who is using Eagle Eye LPR to modernize their overall security posture, added “we’re seriously streamlining parking operations and improving the experience for customers at the same time. With Eagle Eye LPR, our customers can enter and exit the lot without even rolling down their windows. Their prepaid parking reservation is automatically applied and the experience is just short of magical. We’re impressed with the high accuracy of the Eagle Eye LPR—their artificial intelligence (AI) makes the difference—and it is so simple for our employees to use. The total cost of ownership is reduced as the solution works with a low-cost ONVIF camera, and the managed service from Eagle Eye assures me of continuous upgrades and support.”

LPR is also known as Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) or Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR). Eagle Eye LPR is available now. Visit our site for more information.

Eagle Eye Networks is the global leader in cloud video surveillance, delivering cyber-secure cloud-based video with artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics to make businesses more efficient and the world a safer place. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS (video management system) is the only platform robust and flexible enough to power the future of video surveillance and intelligence. Eagle Eye is based in Austin, Texas with offices in Amsterdam, Bangalore, and Tokyo. Learn more at

Martha Entwistle

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at