TGA Conducts Competency Exam for Marine Engineers, Deck Officers

Riyadh, The Transport General Authority (TGA) has recently conducted the Competency Written and Oral Exam for Marine Engineers and Deck Officers at its headquarters in Riyadh. The exams were in compliance with the International Convention on Standard of training certification and watchkeeping for seafarers 1978 (STCW) to qualify maritime personnel with the highest international standards, TGA said in a news release.

Three main criteria were established to assess applicants’ eligibility to work in the sector. These included obtaining a maritime qualification from an institution accredited by the TGA, having approved maritime service on board ships, and completing specialized maritime courses related to safety and security. Passing a competency written exam was essential for the issuance of a maritime competence certificate for marine engineers and deck officers.

The TGA emphasized that these exams play a crucial role in preparing national cadres for employment in the maritime industry, equipping them with th
e necessary knowledge and skills to operate and maintain marine vessels safely and effectively while adhering to security and safety standards. The initiative aligns with the objectives of the national transport and logistics strategy, aiming to develop the maritime transport sector.

For further information on the maritime sector in the Kingdom, interested individuals are encouraged to visit the TGA’s official website at or its social media platforms @saudi_tga.

Source: Saudi Press Agency